1. Determine the role of the product for the learner
Will the student be independent in the educational process, and is it enough for the designes to create an environment?
Or will we hold him by the hand most of the way?
2. Choosing an educational paradigm
Pedagogy, andragogy or hutagogics
What will be the ratio of formal, social and experience-based learning in programs. We think over the alignment of the learning process.
3. Discussing the types of training
4. Create or hone a learning model
We select the training model that is most suitable for the tasks of the product. And find what makes the model unique
We consider all possible formats from a lecture to an audioquest or meditation
We choose the form in which these rules will "live" most organically: a list of rules, a manifesto, guidelines for the main participants in the process, a story, etc.
6. Putting together the EduBible